Okay, here we go!
This site was initially launched some six years ago, and for a time did a sort of sufficient job of representing something about where I was then, and gave me a chance to play a bit with some things.
Then I drifted away from this sort of engagement, and worked on other projects (among them, backing ass-first into an ill-defined sort of art career), and this place got overlooked, forgotten. DIgital dustbunnies littered the floor.
At this point, I (we?) took a bit of time to get our act together, upgrade the squarespace version, and take advantage of a nice template that they provide. (It’s called Flatiron, which has certain personal resonances on its own that I won’t go into now.) Shoutout to Squarespace for friendly customer service, convenient hosting and providing a very nice user-intuitive self-web design service.
Now it’s up to me to pop in here a bit more frequently to update things, and post a few ideas/experiences/what have you on this blog page. Thanks for checking this bit out, at any rate.
Feel free to drop me a message if you have any thoughts, at mail (at) mere-ubu.com